Selasa, 02 Maret 2021

Procedure Video: How to Effectively Study from Home

Hello guys, It's been a while since the last I made the last blog.

So I think this is the first post that I made this year although it's been 2 months in 2021. But, it doesn't matter because I want to share you guys a video I just made. This video is about me sharing the tips of how to effectively study from home especially in this coronavirus outbreak.

I hope the video will be useful for all of you.

Selasa, 29 September 2020

My Goal My Ambition

Hello guys, I want to share about what I want for my future. In my mind, In the future, I'll be a programmer in my 20's something. Why? because I think a programmer is a job that fits me. I love analyzing data, my logic is good enough, I very curious about this job, and the most important is I think a programmer is a very useful job in the future. But, I don't want to be just a programmer in my entire life. So I want to build a startup too in my late 20's that engaged in environmentally friendly technology.

If you ask me what I have to pursue that aim, I can explain it. So first, the most important is passion, right? I am very passionate about learning about something related to logic, which is programming is included in something that requires logic. Second, I have talent. My strength is I'm a fast learner, I'm good at analyzing something, I'm open-minded that makes me want to know what others view about something, also I enthusiastic about something new, and this the modals I have to build my startup, I'm honest and straightforward.

Maybe you wonder what thing that holding me back from that aim. So I have a weakness too. I'm a very private and withdrawn person and I'm so insensitive. But, I gonna fix that and make them strengths for me.

I also want to share with you about what I have done to achieve my ambition. So currently I'm learning about the basics of programming and I'm learning to improve my English too because the books or material about programming are mostly in English.

I think that's all I can share with you about what I want for my future. Thank you for reading. Bye...

Kamis, 16 Juli 2020

Suggestion & Offer

This is the example of dialogue that includes some suggestion & offer :

On the 9th of November, SMA Kertajaya held the election of the student president.

3 days before the election Dzaki and Dika were discussing who they will choose at school.

Dika : Hey Dzaki, have you determined your choice for our new student president?
Dzaki : I still confuse about who someone that worth for that position.
Dika : Yeah, me too. It's so hard to choose one of them because all of them are good.
Dzaki : Yes, no doubt about that. Rendy, Javier, and Sheira have their own vision for our school but it all leads to making our school better.
Dika : How about we ask their friends to explain to us about these candidates' advantages and disadvantages than other candidates?
Dzaki : That's a good idea. Let's do that.

Dika and Dzaki meet Rendy's friend, Haikal.

Dzaki : Hello Haikal, we want to talk about Rendy with you, can we?
Haikal : Oh why you want to talk about him with me?
Dika : We want to know about his strength and weakness for being a student president.
Haikal : Okay then.
Dika : So you are Rendy's friend right? Do you recommend us to choose him for student president? If yes, why?
Haikal : Oh yeah you should choose him for student president because as you know Rendy has very good skills in leadership. Also, his public speaking is very well than the other candidates. It's very important for being a leader right?
Dzaki : Yeah I agree with that. But can you tell us what is Rendy's weakness?
Haikal : hmm... I think he's a bit stubborn.
Dzaki : Oh okay. Thanks for your information. It helps us a lot to determine who will we choose.
Haikal : No problem.

After that Dika and Dzaki meet Sheira's friend, Aisha.

Dika : Aisha can we have your time for some minutes?
Aisha : Okay, but for what?
Dika : We want to know about Sheira.
Aisha : Oh Sheira? What do you want to know about her?
Dzaki : We want to know why we must choose her for our new student president and what is her weakness in being a leader too.
Aisha : From my perspective as her friend's. I think she's a person that can embrace everyone to work together as a team with her and she does it very well. But sometimes she very confused if faced with an unexpected situation that makes her so long to make a decision.
Dika : I think it's okay as long she has a team to help her to make a decision. So is that all you can tell us about her?
Aisha : Yeah, maybe that's enough. I recommend you guys should choose her.
Dzaki : Okay, We will think about it later. By the way, thank you, Aisha.
Aisha : You're welcome.

Dzaki and Dika leave Aisha and meet Javier's friend, Raka.

Dzaki : Hi Raka, are you busy?
Raka : No, why?
Dzaki : We want to ask you some questions about Javier, can we?
Raka : Yeah, sure.
Dika : So as Javier's friend you know about his strength and weakness right?
We want to know about it.
Raka : Hmm... If the context is about being a leader, Javier is someone that can make his team reach their best potential. He is a firm person but also listens to the opinions of his team too.
Dika : Wow that's interesting. What about his weakness?
Raka : The weakness he has is always impatient if things go slowly.
Dzaki : Ohh okay. That's all?
Raka : Yeah
Dika : Okay Raka, thank you for your information. It helps us a lot.
Raka : Sure. Don't just choose Javier because my information is so positive about him. You should think about other candidates' strengths and weaknesses first too before choose him.
Dzaki : Yeah we have asked the other candidate's friends too about their perspective of their friend's strength and weakness.
Raka : Okay, that's good.

After Dika and Dzaki got the information they are looking for, they discuss it immediately.

Dika : So what do you think? Is there someone you think is the best person to be chosen as a student president?
Dzaki : Hmm... I'm not sure. Do you have recommended for me?
Dika : From all the information we've got. I think we should choose Javier than others. Why? Because he could make his team, which is our student council reach their best potential. It's so good right. What do you think?
Dzaki : Okay, I agree with you. Also, his weakness could make them work fast too right. It's like his weakness is his strength too.
Dika : Yeah, that's right.
Dzaki : Okay then I will choose Javier for our new student president.

Kamis, 26 Maret 2020

Human Cause Disaster

9/11 Tragedy

        The September 11 attacks, usually called 9/11, were a series of four acts of terrorism that took place in the United States. The attacks happened on the morning of Tuesday, September 11th, 2001. It resulted in thousands of deaths, including the perpetrators'. The attacks caused billions of dollars worth of infrastructural damage. The series of attacks were conducted by the 'Islamic' terrorist group, al-Qaeda. They hijacked a flying domestic aircraft and crashed it to the famous WTC tower. Besides that, there were two attacks in New York City, and one in Arlington, Virginia. The fourth attack failed and the plane crashed on a field in Pennsylvania.

     Four passenger planes that were operated by two major U.S. airline companies (United Airlines and American Airlines), which departed from an airport in the northeastern United States and were destined for San Fransisco and Los Angeles, were hijacked by 19 al-Qaeda terrorists. Two of the four planes were crashed into the World Trade Center complex in lower Manhattan, resulting in the collapse and destruction of the building. A third plane (American Airlines Flight 77), was crashed into the Pentagon (Headquarters of U.S. Departement of Defense) in Virginia. The fourth plane, originally headed to Washington DC, was crashed into a field in Stonycreek Township near Shanksville after the passengers thwarted the hijacker's plan to destroy the White House.

Selasa, 17 Maret 2020

Let's have a healthy life !!!

Living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent chronic diseases and long-term illnesses. Feeling good about yourself and taking care of your health are important for your self-esteem and self-image. Maintain a healthy lifestyle by doing what is right for your body.

So these are tips for you to Implement a healthy way of life :

Senin, 16 Maret 2020


There is an outbreak of Covid-19. That Virus had just became a pandemi. So these are some tips for you to avoid that virus.

Stay safe and keep clean.

Kamis, 23 Januari 2020

The Monkey and The Crocodile

The Monkey and the Crocodile

It was a beautiful lake surrounded by lush green grasses, beautiful trees, mountains and sweetest, tastiest jamun trees. There lived a monkey on one of the jamun trees located near the lake.
The lake also had a few crocodiles. There was one crocodile that used to collect the jamun fruits from the lake that fall from the tree.
As the crocodile visits the jamun trees every day, it became friends with Monkey. Crocodile and monkey met every day. The monkey helped crocodile by providing more and fresh jamun fruits from the tree. Their relationship continued and they became close pals.
One day, the monkey asked the crocodile to give some jamun fruits to his wife and family as the fruits were more delicious. The crocodile agreed and took a lot of jamun fruits to his wife.
His wife was so happy and surprised that she never ate so delicious fruits, so far. She inquired her husband, where he got those fruits. The crocodile told her, his friend, monkey who lives in a Jamun tree gave these for him.
The wife crocodile made a plan in her mind. She asked her husband, ‘Does your friend eat these fruits every day?’ The crocodile replied yes. She added, ‘Oh my goodness. These are the sweetest fruits we ever ate. Imagine how delicious the monkey’s heart would be if he eat these fruits daily! I need the heart of your friend. Can you please bring it for me?’
The crocodile was shocked to hear it from his wife. He replied, ‘But he is my close friend. I can’t do this to him.’
The wife crocodile told him, ‘don’t worry. You bring him here. I will then take care! Or else, you may try to push him down into the water if he doesn’t know swimming!’
After a long time, the crocodile agreed to bring monkey to his wife.
The very next day, crocodile invited monkey to join them for lunch and asked for his favorite foods. Monkey happily agreed to be the guest and but worried that the monkey did not know how to swim in the lake.
Crocodile on thinking about monkey’s sorrow, pleased monkey and told him, ‘Don’t worry. I will carry you on my back and will take you back safely too!’
The monkey accepted and crocodile rode him to his home on his back on the water. As they reached half way, the crocodile tried to push monkey down into the water. However, monkey held the crocodile tightly and did not fall. Monkey got suspicious about crocodile’s act and asked him to tell the truth.
Since crocodile believed him as his good friend, he told about the conversation and the fight his wife had with him and he was taking monkey to eat his heart!
The intelligent monkey said, ‘Oh my dear friend, you should have told me this earlier. I left my heart on one of the branches of the tree as I won’t carry it if I travel long. If you take me back, I can give you my heart.’
Crocodile accepted and rode the monkey back to the lake. As they reached the tree where the monkey lived, the monkey climbed quickly and escaped from the crocodile.
He shouted at crocodile, ‘I thought you as a good friend, but you cheated me. I will never come back and never be your friend.’
The crocodile understood his mistake and returned back home empty handed, losing a good friend indeed
source :

1. What is "The Monkey and The Crocodile" story about?
2."It was a beautiful lake surrounded by lush green grasses, beautiful trees, mountains and sweetest, tastiest jamun trees. There lived a monkey on one of the jamun trees located near the lake."(paragraph 1). 
What is the function of the above sentences?
3. The main idea of the 6th paragraph is...
4. "However, monkey held the crocodile tightly and did not fall."
The underlined word means...
5. What we can learn from the story above?

Change this sentences to direct or indirect forms!
a. She inquired her husband, where he got those fruits. The crocodile told her, his friend, monkey who lives in a Jamun tree gave these for him.(paragraph 5)
b. She added, "Oh my goodness. These are the sweetest fruits we ever ate. Imagine how delicious the monkey’s heart would be if he eat these fruits daily! I need the heart of your friend. Can you please bring it for me?"(paragraph 6)
c. The wife crocodile told him, "don’t worry. You bring him here. I will then take care! Or else, you may try to push him down into the water if he doesn’t know swimming!"(paragraph 7)
d. Since crocodile believed him as his good friend, he told about the conversation and the fight his wife had with him and he was taking monkey to eat his heart!(paragraph 13)
e. He shouted at crocodile, "I thought you as a good friend, but you cheated me. I will never come back and never be your friend."(paragraph 16)

Procedure Video: How to Effectively Study from Home

Hello guys, It's been a while since the last I made the last blog. So I think this is the first post that I made this year although it&#...